I l l u s t r a t i o n s

Ever since I was a child, art and the creative process has always been a fundamental part of my life. My mother was an artist who was always eager to talk about art, discuss its history, and encourage my own creativity. But what's creativity without inspiration? And while I could certainly share every art piece that's ever inspired me, I've chosen instead to feature just a selection from a few artists whose work has resonated with me the most. The ones who strike my love of the bright and the dark, the grim and the hopeful, and all things otherworldly and fantastical.

Below you'll find a few historical artists, but most of the artists featured here are from modern day North America, Europe, and Japan. Please note that several works contain artistic nudity. Therefore, you should only scroll this page in an environment where it is okay to view such pieces. I personally believe that artistic nudity is safe, as it is simply the human form. But alas, society doesn't quite have the same mindset. Thus the warning.

Lastly, all artworks are the property of their original creators. This page was only created with the intent to showcase a selection of pieces that spark joy and inspiration in me.


Alphonse Mucha


John William Waterhouse



Akemi Takada // 高田明美


Akihiro Yamada // 山田章博


Alan Lee

Because this artist provides their own comprehensive gallery online, I've opted to link directly to where you can view all their work. Please see their site here.


Ayami Kojima // 小島文美




Hitoshi Yoneda // 米田仁士


John Howe

Because this artist provides their own comprehensive gallery online, I've opted to link directly to where you can view all their work. Please see their site here.


Jun Suemi // 末弥純


Michael Whelan

Because this artist provides their own comprehensive gallery online, I've opted to link directly to where you can view all their work. Please see their site here.


Mutsumi Inomata // いのまた むつみ


Shinobu Tanno // 丹野忍


Tomomi Kobayashi // 小林智美


Yoshitaka Amano // 天野喜孝


Yutaka Izubuchi // 出渕裕


Background image illustrated by the late Hiroo Isono. Homepage banner illustrated by Yutaka Izubuchi.